
Do You See This Woman?

Have you ever entered someone’s house and had them say to you..”Sorry, my house is a mess!” I think it’s an interesting example of our desire to have connection with others, yet feeling insecure about ourselves. Let me ask a second question. Have you ever had someone say that to you, and you replied, “Ya, you’re right- it’s disgusting- I’m outta here!” — Never right? Good. Because our God doesn’t do that to us either. We want to believe and have a relationship with God but often we are so worried about the condition of our “house” that we wont let him in—at least not very far. The trick is that Jesus already knows the condition of our “house”- that’s why he wants to come in and show us a better way.

In today’s message, Jesus is invited to the home of a Pharisee- but it is not the Pharisee who demonstrates what inviting Jesus into our “house” should look like…but someone else– someone uninvited…. hope you enjoy the message!