Making Contact. He Lives Church. Bradley SD.
Making Contact. He Lives Church. Bradley SD.

He Lives Church Ministry

He Lives Church is our proclamation! As a family, we share His message of hope whenever and wherever we can. We have traveled across the US and around the mid-west sharing the Gospel through preaching, teaching, music, and books/art. Bobby continues to preach the Gospel locally both at our Saturday worship and helping with area youth programs. We self-publish and donate children’s books to missions, ministries, shelters, families, churches. We are so thankful for the brothers and sisters in Christ we have met and are able to share life with. Our family also worships the Lord through music along with a growing community of friends. We are not professionals – but we love to play and have been blessed with the opportunity to share the Gospel through music in different settings such as parks, shelters, churches, campfires, etc, and we welcome any and all to join us anytime! Let us make a joyful noise for the Lord together!

Bradley Christian School

God continues to pull on our hearts to teach the Gospel and help educate children about His Creation. In 2012, we began the BCS ministry and continue that journey today.