Daily Devotion God’s Goodness.

The Opening Page.

Last night we finished listening to the Chronicles of Narnia radio theater. Since all our family has read the books and we are huge fans, I got us this as a Christmas present – and since we all got sick a couple weeks before Christmas, we got a head start. 

Anyway, we listened to the Last Battle yesterday. These books are so beautifully written. There are two pieces I want to share this morning.

At one point, the main characters ask Aslan to save these very confused, talking, thinking creatures, to which Aslan showed them how “They are so afraid of being taken in, they can’t be taken out” of their situation. Our God is so Good. The whole book illustrates so beautifully how if we listen to half-truths long enough we become skeptical of everything including God’s Goodness – which is pure and infallible, unlike the wisdom of this world. I’ll turn conventional wisdom on its head, I’ll expose the so-called experts as shams. -1 Corinthians 1:19 (msg) I don’t write this to condemn, but to release the oppression of believing this world holds the answers.

Oswald Chambers says it this way: “Today we have substituted doctrinal belief for personal belief, and that is why so many people are devoted to the causes and so few are devoted to Jesus Christ. People do not really want to be devoted to Jesus, but only to the cause He started. Jesus Christ is deeply offensive to the educated minds of today, to those who only want Him to be their Friend, and who are unwilling to accept Him in any other way.

This leads into the second part. I don’t have the exact quote because it was more the essence, but as the story closes, it is stated that this life we are living on this earth is but the opening page to a story to which no one has ever read. Perspective. This is not the main story… there is so so so so much more. Praise Jesus! So what’s the point of all this comparing and competing? You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle… You’re sitting on top of the world… 1 Corinthians 4:8 (msg) 

There is a simple and sweet truth woven through all of this, He Is.

He Is enough.

He Is Love.

He Is truth.

He Is relational.

He Is Life.

And He made away for us to continue on past the opening page… Him, not a doctrine… but Him. Praise Jesus always and forever amen.