Daily Devotion

Clinging to the Eternal without Plugging up the Entrance.

This has been my inner dialogue lately, “Jesus is perfectly enough. I only need to use my effort to focus every ounce of my being on Him. Not in a ‘dogged religious plod but a spirited living dance.’” -1 Thes. 4

World: Yeah cool – let’s just tack some stuff on to make it better! This will be great!

Me: (tilt head with a puzzled expression) I don’t believe I need anything else.

World: Oh yeah, of course not – but this will make it so much better.

Me: I don’t think it will…

World: Ahhh, you’re no fun!

Me: That’s funny! I’ve heard that voice since I was little. Fun is a very low bar. Followed ‘fun’ for a while, very enslaving… very empty. Let’s talk eternal instead of fun/flesh! but maybe… nope. I’m sticking with Him. Seems the excess is just plugging up the gate into my Home with Him, where all is perfect and beautiful.

World: Ok that’s fine – we will just try to convince your kids then. 

Me: Hmmm, yes I see. Doesn’t change the Truth that He is perfectly enough though… But I am rattled or confused ever so slightly because so much of the excess has Jesus’ name written all over it… but I still think He is enough… perfectly enough – only Him – somewhere deep inside is trying to reassure me. I keep looking to Him… 

Enters Sister in Christ: Good Morning.

Me: Good morning! (I explain previous narration) then continue… it seems like there is this gate, the narrow gate, and it’s simple and pure and once we get through it expands into infiniteness, but we have to go through just looking at Him… seems like we are trying to drag things through the gate.

Sister in Christ: Just read that this morning; most Christians get stuck in the gate… wanting salvation but also trying to drag all their stuff in… gets them stuck. 

Me: Thank you Mom for reassuring me. I love you.

Mom: I love you too.