“When we receive His image into our spiritual mirror, He enters with it. Our thought is not cut off from His. Our open receiving thought is His door to come in. When our hearts turn to Him, that is opening the door to Him, that is holding up our mirror to Him; then He comes in, not by our thought only, not in our idea only, but He comes Himself and of His own will –– comes in as we could not take Him, but as He can come.” -George MacDonald
Maybe, just maybe, everything would really, truly not only be ok, but be Perfectly, Purely Good if and when we simply looked to Him; He would would then enter into us and we would see the Absolute Love of our Perfect Father surrounding us and moving inside of us.
Perfectly Incredible. “Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father. That’s my gift to the conquerors! Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” -Revelation 3:20-22 (msg)