Daily Devotion

Born of the Earth.

Once upon a time, there was a child born of the earth. He came from the very dust of the ground, and his breath came from the Creator of it all. The sea spoke in whispers and the trees hummed and swayed along with the cadence. All the earth, including the child, moved and breathed as one. All was alive, an extension of a Living Creator, pure and perfect… beautiful and simple.

The child moved and adventured throughout all creation, the entire time growing deeper into the Love that was the Creator. Listening to the animals as they revealed the deep wisdom that penetrated all the earth. But they did not use words, like you and I understand them, instead, they communicated with The Song that connected all, perfectly complete and each creature a unique note in a glorious symphony.

Deeper than our words, a pulsing throughout the earth. The Creator’s Song resonates.

God sent me a swallow this morning:

I watched a swallow,

Angry at its own reflection

Not willing to give up

So sure of what it thought it saw. 

“Another swallow, somewhere I can’t be.”

The swallow toiled on until by God’s grace,

The sun went down and his reflection disappeared.

Plagued by the same fall, creation groans under the weight of selfishness. Chasing away the real & eternal that comes near.

Listen and learn – be the wiser for it. God’s creation is beautiful. God’s words are balm for the soul. 

Lord, I’m at peace where you have me. Don’t let my judgements and my eyes cheapen the Life You have given me. Help me to see like You, past myself and into the Greater, the eternal.