Contentment. Creativity. Simplicity.
Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior. Luke 16:8-9 (msg)
It really is true isn’t it? We will plan and meddle and finagle to make things work out a certain way in our lives, when it comes to personal gain or familial gain. Now, do we use that same intensity and creativity when it comes to working our lives out for God’s Glory? It seems we sometimes get lulled into this state of “good enough”, and it is so boring!
I love this scripture. The encouragement to concentrate on the bare essentials (Jesus) – this is our Freedom! And then! being creative and clever and smart for what is Good and Right.
Routine can be extremely pruning (refining), an opportunity for God to teach us to persevere without needing flash and craziness, to teach us contentment, and that is so incredibly beautiful and important. But, so is living alive and creatively. Instead of sitting-down defeated, let us look for ways to make Good work. We can get so preoccupied with the world’s systems that we limit ourselves with earthly rules, expectations, and predictions. In many cases, we defeat ourselves mentally before we even get started doing anything, never realizing that those limitations aren’t even from God… He wants us to live free from fear, brave and creative for His Glory. He also keeps our lives very simple, so that we need not swing the pendulum all the way to the other side, turning our lives upside down into chaos, pushing our own ideas and agendas. We must still allow God His timing; staying present in His Spirit is the only way we will be able to keep these three in balance: contentment, creativity, simplicity.
He truly is so so Good.
Lord, let our freedom in You keep us alive and creative in doing Good while basking in the quiet contentment and simplicity of being Yours. Amen.