Daily Devotion

The Intricate Weave.

It can seem overwhelming when we begin to see the intricacies of the weave of sin in our lives and in this world. We become like salmon swimming upstream, going against the current and the expected norm. Things become upside down and backward, and the only way to not get turned around and discombobulated in the weave of destruction is to keep your eyes on the One who is always True and Good and Beautiful… the One who knows the way to Life, who is in fact Life itself.

No matter what is happening in your life today, I want to remind you that the gift is free – His Love, His guidance. Simply looking to Him and meditating on Him protects us from the onslaught of this world. He has defeated death and evil; we simply need to choose Him. Keep our eyes on Him. Rest in Him. Obey Him, walking in the light… He will faithfully lead us into Life… Home. 

“It is a great mistake to teach children that they have souls. Then they think of their souls as of something which is not themselves. For what a man has cannot be himself. Hence, when they are told that their souls go to heaven, they think of their selves as lying in the grave. They ought to be taught that they have bodies, and that their bodies die while they themselves live on. Then they will not think that they will be laid in the grave. We talk as if we possessed souls instead of being souls, whereas we should teach our children to think no more of their bodies when they are dead than they do of their hair when it is cut off, or of their clothes when they have done with them.” –George MacDonald, A Quiet Neighborhood.

What a truth to let saturate these bones! To think that the most real part of ourselves, the soul, the unseen – can now commune perfectly and uninterrupted with the Spirit of God, eternally! Bask in that today. Be free knowing your Lord sits with you, walks with you, leads you, and carries you when the terrain gets too rough. Keep your eyes on who is True and Real – not what is seen. Sin is woven into this world, but God is Life!