Daily Devotion God’s Goodness.

Day 2. God’s Goodness. Unity.

Maybe, continuing on from yesterday’s post, we can come to an agreement that our human perspective is skewed. So as we read through the the Bible, trying to grasp bits of the infinite through the very limiting barrier of human language, we could quite possibly be misunderstanding Jesus’ words. 

Here are a few of the truths that I’m going to continue from. First off, God will use scripture to meet us where we are at, but He will not leave us there… and while we may begin understanding scripture a certain way, if we allow, His words will act as a stepping stone on our journey further up and further in – and the same scripture we started with can continue to take us deeper and deeper into His Infinite Love. Second truth, God is Love. (1 John 4:8). Pure and Perfect. Third, the spiritual realm is real… I’ll even venture to say, more real than the physical. Lastly, His Goodness is so simple and perfect we have a tendency to muck it up with our very broken ‘logic’.

So, going forward, as I read scripture I must hold it up against Jesus’ character, the pure and perfect Love of our Father poured out on this earth, and try to remove my seemingly rational albeit broken reasoning.

Onward and Upward! 

It seems to me that most people dismiss the ability of God to save All His Children because they want justice. We hate, creating death inward,  then pouring it outward into our world. It’s not so much God’s lack of ability in saving all as it is our desire to see evil pay. Go ahead and check your heart on this before moving on. I stand convicted.

Now, there are a couple places I need to take us. First, we are all created by a Divine Creator and Father – meaning we are all connected. We come from the same Being. If we can begin to see the depth of this connection, our oneness, we may begin to grasp how it might be possible to love our neighbors and even our enemies as Jesus asks us to do. “The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind – Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, So they might be one heart and mind with us. Then the world might believe that you, in fact sent me. The same glory you gave me, I gave them, So they’ll be as unified and together as we are – I in them and you in me. Then they’ll be mature in their oneness,” -John 17:21-22

Just like I won’t cut off my foot when I stub my toe, although it hurt me. That would be ridiculous. I don’t want to throw out a part of God’s Divine Being because of an action – there is something much, much bigger at stake. 

To be continued…