Daily Devotion

The Mystery.

Ephesians 6:19 And [pray] also for me, that [freedom of] utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news (the Gospel).

There is something so beautifully mysterious about the entire story of our Lord and Creator – something completely intangible – something that refuses to be pinned down. Paul, a veteran God seeker, knew He needed the Holy Spirit to effectively proclaim the Good News. And, in 1 John 5:7-8, God is compared to water: For there are three witnesses: the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three are in agreement [their testimony is perfectly consistent].

Now, I don’t think God is water, but there is an infiniteness to water as well. It can change form without changing its makeup. It is powerful – so powerful that it can wipe life from the face of the earth. But it is also cleansing and nourishing. Our bodies and planet are made up largely of water. We play in water – not able to hold water in our hands (permanently), but we are able to feel it around us and let it slip through our fingers as we swim. It is cohesive yet made up of trillions of tiny, individual molecules.

Genesis 1:2 The earth was formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.

In the beginning, there was water and it is the only real tangible word we get pre-earth-being-created.

I find all of this very fascinating for the pure purpose that I believe it reveals a little bit more of God to me. And I pray every day to know Him better, trust Him more fully, and surrender more deeply.