Daily Devotion

The Kingdom of Heaven has Drawn Near.

Matthew 4:7 From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven has drawn near.”

Since He drew near to us, let us draw near to Him. I am still not convinced that we can not walk closely with the Lord on this earth – to the extent of unshakable peace and trust in Him, enjoying and Living in that relationship. Genesis 5:23 Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took Him.

I often hear conversations about the ‘some day’ of God’s kingdom… and yet Jesus said, “the Kingdom of Heaven has drawn near.” Meaning, it is near to us… within reach. Yes, He also says we will have many troubles, but we are to take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). 

At the end of this day, I am convinced my soul and sole focus of this Life is a relationship with God… the Kingdom of Heaven, a relationship with God is within our reach through the defeat of death (Praise You Jesus), the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Love of Our Creator. The one truth that continues to reveal itself is that it is much simpler than we think… Life is so much simpler than we make it.