Daily Devotion

Satan is Relentless… Praise the Lord, so is God’s Love.

I had a burning desire today to not be around this world… and I’m not actually referring to people in general but the cares of this world. Man, satan is relentless in both being annoying and tempting the heart to doubt God’s Goodness.

At one point today, I looked at Bobby and said, “satan hates me.” 

I wanted to share this, not to stay in a ‘woe is me’ state; I am clinging to the Lord and wanting and hoping in Him to use my trials for pruning. And I am so so so thankful for so many reasons. But, I do want to share my difficulties to remind us that we are all battling evil. When raising children up to resist evil, one quickly realizes there is no sanctuary except Him, near to the heart of God. I have grown to love that song. “There is a place of quiet rest; a place where sin cannot molest, near to the heart of God.”

Today’s difficulties however were not just about my children or those I have the privilege to share life with in both Sunday school and BCS – but the overall atmosphere of our culture… some days the battle to resist evil brings us to a full halt… and I become very aware of both my humanness and my need to surrender. The Lord will fight for me; I need only to be still. -Exodus 14:14

Lord, fight for me. I surrender. Amen.