Big ’G’ Good.
One of the joys I am blessed with experiencing is reading books for our kids and the kids at the school. I believe with my whole heart that what we feed the mind is just as (if not more) important as what we feed the body… plus I have the added bonus of bonding with them over the adventure.
I am currently reading the Westmark trilogy by Lloyd Alexander, and at the beginning of book two, he wrote:
For those who know that they are only human but who try not to be any less.
Lloyd alexander
We have been having conversations around our house about the big ‘G’ Good lately. There are things that are good and than there are things that are Good. In my journey to knowing God better through Christ, certain things have been revealed to my heart as not Good… they may appear good but they aren’t big ‘G’ Good. And I have discovered that the less I settle for good, the more the big ‘G’ good is revealed in my life. It’s the truth that John the Baptist spoke of in John 3:36 when he used believe and obey synonymously:
Those who believe in God’s Son will have eternal life, and those who do not obey the Son will never experience eternal life.
We don’t have a God that settles… And when it comes to His children, He’s not teaching us to settle either. It seems from my perspective, every little act of obedience reveals more fully His Face. So now I find myself faced with this truth: no one can make me want or like what has been revealed to me as not Good, not pure. He is big ‘G’ Good and His face is the One that I long for.
In regards to the quote, Mr. Alexander said it so beautifully. We are human, and being a human, I understand the darkness that may entail, BUT we are not to try to be any less than what we know is Good, because we are also human created in God’s image… big ‘G’ good. This is not about perfection but making daily choices abiding and trusting Him… trusting that if He reveals something in my heart – I don’t have to know the why, but I can trust He is Good – and if I obey, it will be Good. No more justifying good… instead living Good… His Life for us.