Daily Devotion

Into Glory.

Matthew 21:18-20 Early the next morning Jesus was returning to the city. He was hungry. Seeing a lone fig tree alongside the road, he approached it anticipating a breakfast of figs. When he got to the tree, there was nothing but fig leaves. He said, “No more figs from this tree – ever!” The fig tree withered on the spot, a dry stick. The disciples saw it happen. They rubbed their eyes, saying, “Did we really see this? A leafy tree one minute, a dry stick the next?”

There was something troubling me about this scripture. I know the disciples are amazed at what they saw, as I would have been, and Jesus follows the interaction up with a conversation about the power of prayer… I can’t quite get to the second part yet though – I am completely drawn into the above verses (18-20). 

Where is Jesus’ tenderness? I know he cares for the lilies of the fields and all creation. A fig tree has no more control over the fruit it bares than it does the rain that comes down from heaven.

I know God too well to doubt His goodness. I have been working through this verse for hours now.

Meanwhile, something very strange happened today. Our outside cat passed away in his sleep – in his favorite spot, curled up. Our oldest son saw him and was going to pet him and realized he had passed away. Both boys were a little shaken – a little upset. And I got the ‘Why would God do this question?’ After a few tears, we prayed and I had a chance to ask the boys the following question: “Have you thought that maybe Guff wanted to go home to his Creator?”

Then I came back to this scripture and realized I was perhaps reading this in my ‘human’ tone. I assumed Jesus was angry – but perhaps he saw the fig tree and had compassion. All of creation is of Him – living – growing – working; Without the Creator, there is no life, none without Him.

So perhaps this story not only shows God’s glory and power – but it also illustrates His compassion on all living things. Unapble to bare fruit – no purpose on this earth; He brought it back into Him – into Glory. 

Job 13:15 Though He slay me, I will trust Him.