
I trust in you my God. Confio en Ti Mi Dios.

Last night as the storm rolled in – I was in awe. The sky was incredible. My heart rested in Psalm 25. I give my life to you. I trust in you my God. (Te entrego mi vida. Confio en ti mi Dios.) 

This morning I am reminded how fragile we are as humans when we are not looking to the Lord. Nothing crazy happened; life lies in the the little moments. Truly, EVERY good gift and every perfect gift is from above. -James 1:17. Apart from Him, it’s not good. We can try and we can act and we can put on a certain image or try oh so hard to make something good – but if we really want it to be good, truly good – we must first surrender to Him.

My conversation with God went something like this this morning. 

Me: “I’m frustrated.”

God: “Look to me.”

Me: “Thank you. I see. You are here.”

—Distractions Ensue—

Me: “ugh”

God: “I’m still here. I’ve got this. Just look to me.”

Me: “But can’t I just for a moment do what I need to do.”

God: “You can.”

Me: “But it won’t be truly good?”

God: “No. I don’t believe that is what you really want.”

Me: “Sometimes it seems so hard. So many obstacles and distractions. But it is you that I want.”

God: “I am here. I love you. I will never leave you.”

Me: “Lord help me stay rooted. There are so many distractions and I know your Son spoke the truth : There is only ONE thing worth being concerned about and it will not be taken from me. I will look to you Lord. I give my life to you. I trust in you my God.” 

John 6:33 The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys of those who take refuge in the Lord.