Daily Devotion

Isaiah 41c. Emptiness.

Isaiah 41 wraps up with God asking our man made gods to prove themselves as God… which they obviously cannot… God also points out the ugliness of worshiping said gods, turning our hearts from the Only True Source of Beauty. He finishes with: their cast images are merely wind and emptiness.This verse reminds me of a few lines in a song we like to sing: Questions of this world someday will be known; who is robbing you of peace and who’s the Giver. -(Crowder). 

Lord, help us to not chase the wind and emptiness. Teach us to see and walk in Your Ways… the Way. 

The end of Isaiah 41:

“Present your case [for idols made by men’s hands],” says the Lord. “Produce your evidence [of divinity],” Says the king of Jacob. Let them bring forward [their evidence] and tell us what is going to happen. Regarding the former events, tell what they were, That we may consider them and know their outcome; Or announce to us the things that are going to come. Tell us the things that are to come afterward, That we may know that you are gods; Indeed, you should do something good or do evil, that we may be afraid and fear [you] together [as we observe the miracle]. Hear this! You [idols] are less than nothing, And your work is worthless; The worshiper who chooses you [as a god] is repulsive. “I have stirred up and put into action one from the north [the king of Persia, Cyrus the Great], and he has come; From the rising of the sun he will call on My Name [in prayer]. And he will trample on [the Babylonian] officials as on mortar, Even as a potter treads clay.” Who [among the idols] has declared this from the beginning, so that we could know? Or from earlier times, so that we could say, “He is [unquestionably] right!”? In fact, there was no one who declared it, Indeed, there was no one who proclaimed it; There was no one at all who heard you speak [for you pagan gods are speechless]. “I was first to say to Zion, ‘Listen carefully, here they are [the Jews who will be restored to their own land].’ And to Jerusalem, ‘I will provide a messenger (Isaiah) to bring the good news [that Cyrus will be stirred up and put into action to save them].’ But when I look [on the pagan prophets and priests], there is no one [who could predict these events], And there is no counselor among them, Who, if I ask, can give an answer. In fact, all of these [pagan prophets and priests] are false; Their works are worthless, Their cast images are [merely] wind and emptiness. -Isaiah‬ ‭41:21-29‬ ‭amp