Liberty: Pure, Absolute, Serene.
1 Timothy 6:6-8 A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that’s enough.
Sweet, sweet freedom. Do you have shoes and food? Then for today, rest easy in the Creator of the Universe. Tomorrow will have its own worries, but for today you are taken care of. If that same Creator puts someone in your path today, stay present so that if He needs your intercession, you will be ready and not distracted. We don’t need to seek trouble – He is the Savior – and unless we are abiding in Him, we only add to the chaos.
“And oh, my dear, guard the treasure you were given! Guard it with your life. Avoid the talk-show religion and the practiced confusion of the so-called experts. People caught up in a lot of talk can miss the whole point of faith. Overwhelming grace keep you!” -1 Timothy 6:20-21
So bound in selfishness am I, so chained,
I know it must be glorious to be free
But know not what, full-fraught, the word doth mean.
By loss on loss I have severely gained
Wisdom enough my slavery to see;
But liberty, pure, absolute, serene,
No freest-visioned slave has ever seen.
-George MacDonald, The Diary of an Old Soul