The Character of God.
John 17:6 I spelled out your character in detail to the men and women you gave me.
It wasn’t until these past couple years that I came to embrace Jesus as God incarnate, God made flesh, come down to show us what kind of God we have – A God of complete and perfect Love.
I was reading George MacDonald a little while back, and he challenged the misconception that Jesus came down simply as a son to pay the price for our sin. He used a beautiful illustration about a father unwilling to harm his innocent son for the sake of the other child who had fallen away from what was good – and if we as humans wouldn’t be willing to do this, why would we think a God of perfect Love would be willing to do this? Instead, I now believe God came down to earth to reveal to us what Love really means – we can spit in God’s face, cuss at Him, beat Him, and crucify Him and He will never stop loving us.
Jesus “spelled out the character of God in detail to us.” Let us Live in this revelation and accept this Love. Let us learn to love like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, help us stand firm in your spirit and protect us from hardened hearts – keep them soft despite the injustices. Keep our eyes on You! Amen.