Daily Devotion

Are We Doing This To Ourselves?

John 12:30-32. Jesus said, “The voice didn’t come for me but for you. At this moment the world is in crisis. Now Satan, the ruler of this world, will be thrown out. And I, as I am lifted up from the earth, will attract everyone to me and gather them around me.”

The chaos and darkness that plagues this world, are we doing this to ourselves? This is a very real and challenging question. Most of us truly believe ourselves to be good and those who don’t believe themselves to be good are so wrapped up in self-deprecation that self is still the focus. Jesus said, “Now satan, the ruler of this world, will be thrown out.” Now… meaning now… meaning satan has been thrown out… so why the evil. Where is it coming from? 

I believe we are creating it. None of us want to believe that the little choices matter – that our choices that put Goodness, Light, and Jesus second, are really so bad. We want to believe our ‘little not so good choices’ are not the choices that are causing or contributing to the ‘Big Bad’ in the world. But how is a tornado formed? By millions of tiny particles right? 

I’m really not going for condemnation here – and I don’t believe Jesus was either… there is simply a better way… a better Life. 

“We’ve all search for the light of day in the dead of night. We’ve all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight. We’ve all run to things we know just ain’t right. And there’s a better life – There’s a better life.” – Zach Williams, Chain Breaker

This has nothing to do with achieving some sort of earthly perfection, but has everything to do with clinging to who and what is truly Good and Pure. Our little choices matter. The moments matter. “Do what you ought and don’t do what you ought not.” -George MacDonald  And tomorrow, when God reveals more of Himself, if we learn we must do something different, then do it. One day, one moment at a time. Abide. Lord, help me Abide. I see the root of evil runs deep in each of us and You have come to save us – let me ever cling to You. Help me not forget, not even for a moment, who You are. Amen.