Daily Devotion

Inexorable Love.

John 16:23-24 Jesus says, “This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!”

When I read this, I stopped and asked, “What has He revealed to me?”

Every day that I seek the Lord, He reveals a bit more of His Truth and Infiniteness to me. It’s incredible. Talk about Christmas never ending! Gifts of beautiful truths wrapped up in an infinite number of packages and delivered in an infinite number of ways and each one a treasure beyond anything I could’ve imagined. Revelations, Comfort, Understanding, Compassion… His gifts always Good… and always pointing to the deep Love our Heavenly Father has for us… all of us.

I read last night, courtesy of George MacDonald, ‘Love is inexorable’. I had to look up inexorable in the dictionary. It means: Impossible to stop, alter, or resist.

Beautiful ay? Love is inexorable. And God loves us. He will never quit… He can’t. He Loves us. An incredible revelation, an incredible gift. We only need to look at Jesus’ life to affirm this statement.

So what is my prayer today, according to what has been revealed to me? Part of me wants to back down from this challenge, but a bigger part of me wants to submit to His request. So here goes:

Lord, Creator of the Universe, and Lover of my Soul. Thank You for Loving us. Send the Holy Spirit to guide us so that we may know you better and better each day and become more and more Yours with every breath. Let our actions and words proclaim Your Glory. Break through the shells of self that shield us from Your Truth and inexorable Love. Lead your creation in a retreat to the safety of Your Presence where you have already defeated evil and we are free to live in the light. Let us cling to Your promises… Let us cling to You, restoring the relationship you intended for us from the beginning… and let the joy overflow the banks. Amen.