
Draw Nigh to Him.

I was recently asked the very real question: ‘what do we do for those who are destroying themselves. How do we help? Or do we just leave them on their path to destruction hoping they don’t hurt or kill someone else in the process?’ 

My mom shared this quote with me last week and I think it’s relevant in this case: 

Tis but when men draw nigh to thee, my Lord, we can draw nigh to each other and not hurt. – George MacDonald

If we really want to help others, we must look to and draw nigh to the Lord. It is the only way. In our human meddling and thoughts we are much too broken, we only end up hurting each other because we lack infinite perspective. 

One of my favorite lines from a Sarah Spark’s song is, “For in death they turn to Gold.” 

That simple upside down truth will forever keep us from infinite wisdom. God used death to bring glory upon His creation. Just like Peter who refused to let go of Jesus, to which Jesus replied, ‘Get behind me Satan.’ 

We are always weighing out our actions and thoughts based on our limited reasoning with death as the ultimate worst and staying on this earth the ultimate best… for ourselves and those we love. Jesus beat death. 

If we truly want to help others, we must abide and be His… It is the only way. Our earthly reasoning doesn’t hold for His Kingdom. Jesus confirms this truth throughout the Gospels… and if we aren’t for Him, we are against Him. 

For those of you yearning to help, I pray you turn to the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind so that we can unite under Him.. His Church, and allow His glory to save. He will bridge the gap… We are not Saviors. There is only one – and He did save the world. For all who are willing to receive, the price has already been paid; we may live free – and this is a beautiful life – but even greater – we are then able to actually help others without hurting them. 

And a few more pics from our adventure… I forgot they were on my camera still.. but I love the video/pics of the drop next to the paths. And it’s Christmas time!