November Sunshine
I’m passing on a few bits of sunshine that helped adorn my week with more Jesus… along with the beautiful fall weather. Thank you Lord!
Each of us is a character, in both senses of the word. At times, characters become aware that they’re part of a story, and that brings the realization that, first, there is an author, and second, they are not him. This realization is good and proper, and leads into the courts of praise, if not the throne room itself. – Andrew Petersen, Adorning the Dark (Cora discovered this quote and shared it with me.)
Nothing on the outside held any important meaning for me. In desperation and in faith, I took a leap away from everything that was unimportant to that which is most important, to be possessed by the Spirit of the Living God. -A. W. Tozer (From a book we are listening to together at school)
It’s in my opinion that you are, as it were, asleep now, and the moment you die, you will feel as if you had just woken up, and for the first time in your life. – George MacDonald, The Fisherman’s Lady (A gem I found this week)
“Hey Mom, did you notice that when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the Trinity was present!” – Noah
“The song I have been listening to a lot right now is talking about the same verse we are memorizing from Revelations!” – Jimmie
I’m including the exclamation points because they are so excited about these discoveries when they share them with me. God is so beautiful!
And a few pics from our Wednesday beading and art time.