
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

No eyes have seen; no ears have heard; no mind can imagine what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4)

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys who take refuge in Him. (Psalm 34:8)

This world, no matter how good the distraction appears, will never satisfy our deep longing for Our Father, Creator, and Strength who is in Heaven. 

Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Let Him be everything and fill the emptiness that holds us captive without Him. Let go of fear and control. His grace is sufficient. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

A Few pics from our sunrise kayak/fishing adventure. No fish but beautiful. Also, the above song has been on my heart for a few days and I finally looked up the chords today. I know my rendition is very far from perfect, and it is actually really hard to post, but it’s also humbling and I try to share what God has placed on my heart, not past but present.