
Homeschool Friday. March 12. Day 122.

We are on day 122.

READING:  For reading we do a timed reading out of the readers for 30 minutes. Please have your child read to you during a portion of this time. K & 1st graders read day 117 from ‘The Giant Leap’ – plus anything they can read on their own from previous lessons and the Big Step, (they also read for 30 minutes). 1st graders have started reading their level readers (the red books) at school.

READER WORKBOOK: Please write sentences or a story with vocab words. Write at least 3 sentences each day using 3 new vocab words from the workbook. K-1 practice writing 3 complete sentences.

MATH: Complete Day 122. (Grade 6+, as assigned) PLUS: 2nd (1 column), 3rd(2 columns), and 4th on up (3 columns) of math worksheet. 2nd and 3rd graders 5x’s . K & 1st graders 1 column addition.

LANGUAGE ARTS: Complete Day 122.

SPELLING: Everyone was given spelling words this week. K-1 use list. 2 and 3 Please use the words from language arts book. If there are none on that specific day, use the previous day/s words. Please write each one 3 times and practice signing them. 4+ Use Genesis Curriculum spelling words plus the grammar word/s. Write 3 times and sign.

Write Bible Verse: (2+ in cursive and 3+ Write Spanish version as well) Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Romanos 8:28 Y sabemos que Dios hace que todas las cosas cooperen para el bien de quienes lo aman y son llamados según el propósito que él tiene para ellos.

Bible/SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES/Discussion: Day 122.

Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks.