
Homeschool Friday. December 11. Day 68.

We are on day 68 this Friday.

READING:  For reading we do a timed reading out of the readers for 30 minutes. Please have your child read to you during a portion of this time. K & 1st graders read day 68 from ‘The Giant Leap’ – plus anything they can read on their own from previous lessons and the Big Step, (they also read for 30 minutes).

READER WORKBOOK: Continue on with the next day. If you have completed this workbook, please start writing sentences or a story with vocab words. Write at least 3 sentences each day using 3 new vocab words from the workbook.

MATH: Complete Day 68. (Grade 6, complete day 50.) PLUS: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders do 1 column of math worksheet. 2nd graders 4x’sand 3rd graders 7x’s . K & 1st graders write 10 to 15 addition math sentences (ex. 2+4=6) by rolling two dice and finding the sum. Work on months and days of the week as well.

LANGUAGE ARTS: Complete Day 68.

SPELLING: Everyone was given spelling words this week. K-1 use list. 2+ Please use the words from language arts book. If there are none on that specific day, use the previous day/s words. Please write each one 3 times and practice signing them. You may also use words from reader workbook, Genesis Curriculum, or bible if you are not feeling challenged.

Write Bible Verse: (2+ in cursive and 3+ Write Spanish version as well) Luke 10:42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken from her.

Lucas 10:42 Hay una solo cosa por la que vale la pena preocuparse. María la ha descubierto, y Nadine she la quitará.

SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES/Bible: Genesis Curriculum book day 68 is review. Please go over the reviews on Days 63 and 66.

BIBLE READING: We are continuing with the Christmas story. Please read Luke 1:57-80.

Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks.