
A Simple Message of Love.

I have had the blessed opportunity to read first many of the books I recommend to the students at BCS. This is a double blessing as I have come across some amazing adventures and inspiration as well as being able to bond with the students over the stories.

This weekend I finished the ‘Millie Maven’ series by Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker, it’s beautiful, for boys and girls… men and women. The adventure was fantastic and the icing was that it stripped the theology from the story of Jesus and allowed me to bask in a few simple truths… We have all been called, individually, and the act of believing spreads more light than we can possibly imagine. The other beautiful truth, which I feel can be quite hidden from us: “This is a lesson of the heart that will forever impact your life. Whatever you do in fear breeds more fear, but all actions done in love will result in more love. Offer love to the things you fear because love casts out fear…. Fighting fear with fear will only bring more suffering… Love will always cast out fear. For there is no fear in love….. As long as you hold fear in your heart, Soren will use it against you. He is the Father of Lies and he knows that fear will bring about more fear. As long as he can keep you enslaved, he will have power.” – Ted and Rachelle Dekker, Millie Maven and the White Sword.

These references are straight from the Bible itself, and the imagery the Dekkers use to capture these truths are so beautiful. I do plan on having the kids and adults at school read these, but for those of you who don’t attend BCS, I highly recommend this series. Grow from them, learn from them, and bask in them.

It’s so simple. The temptations are great, but if we turn to Him, rest in Him, trust Him, and know that we are in fact loved with a greater love than we could ever possibly imagine by a God who knows ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING we have ever done – we can begin to let go of our insecurities and fears that cause so much suffering. We can see past ourselves and be His. We can light up the darkness!

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5

Also, just a reminder we have ice skating on Tuesday and the Live Nativity is this Saturday, December 12 @ 2pm in Waubay.

This is from a couple years ago at Bentleyville in Duluth.

This is from a couple years ago at Bentleyville in Duluth.