
President Trump Addresses the Nation on December 2.

I’m posting this because I believe in liberty. Power, corruption, and darkness have threatened this world since the fall – and it is up to each generation to fight for the light. I think it’s important for us, as citizens of the US, to do the job that reporters seem to be cowering at doing. Maybe they can’t because of fear of losing their job. Maybe they don’t want to – but we the people, still impact the narrative in a free country. This isn’t about not liking an outcome, it’s about not being afraid to stand up for truth when darkness and deceit loom. This video seems to keep being removed, so I hope you are able to watch it.

That being said, God’s will be done. I know He is behind this because of the amount of darkness that is being uncovered.

If you don’t like the man, I’m sorry. I pray that you are able to forgive me for the sins of my youth and my brokenness. But, as far as a president goes, I’m thankful for his integrity, perseverance, and dedication to our freedoms. Godspeed President Trump.