
Thanksgiving Week.

Just a heads up on what is going on this week. We do have ice skating tomorrow and will dismiss at 11:55. (You can check the BCS page, upcoming events, to find ice skating dates). Wednesday, we will be going over the Christmas program and handing out songs and parts to start memorizing for the program. We will only have three practices, so everyone needs to learn their songs and parts on their own.

Also, we will still be doing homeschool Friday this week – and would like kids to continue reading for 20 minutes EVERY day, along with writing and practicing math facts… just 30 minutes a day will do so much.

Lastly! Happy Thanksgiving! God, thank you for blessing us. Give us the courage and focus to live in your presence! Amos 5:15 Do what is good and run from what is evil, so that you may live!

