Delight in the Adventure.
When I think about this life and the adventure He is offering us, the calling seems too high. To live. Truly live as an out flowing of and rooted in Him. If God is for us, who can be against us. To cast off all fear and worry. To know that the same God who created the universe, pursues me with His unfailing love.(psalm 23) For lack of a better word, it’s absolutely incredible. And yet – the circumstance of this very broken world is too solemn for my human heart. The hurt and pain we cause each other, for nothing that will last more than a couple years – and can be taken from us at any moment. It’s heart-breaking to say the least.
So I am left with this moment. Knowing He is my God and I am His. Only this moment. There is no tomorrow to turn my eyes towards Him. There is now. There is nothing to put off because God is not of time – and so I delight. I delight in a God that is bigger than time and yet cares deeply about every moment. He is mine and I am His.