
Homeschool Friday. April 2. Day 137.

Good morning. We are day 137 today.

Please go through all of Genesis Curriculum day 137 except Hebrew. Kids read and follow along. The 1st graders only read a little bit, but they do follow along.

Bible verse: Write bible Verse.

New Spanish words this week: caminar = to walk; tu = you; con=with; él=he; ellos/ellas=they; comer = to eat; beber = to drink; bien = good; mal = bad; casa = house; amar = to love;

Spelling/Grammar: I sent home sheet to play pictionary or charades with grammar list.

Science/Social Studies: Do all. Sent home handout for social studies. Science does not have to be full size – just draw outline and label.

Don’t forget writing. Do your best and be creative! K-1 please write complete sentences.

For math, please continue with math columns plus day 137. 4th grade also has a column of reducing fractions. 2nd – 3rd is now doing a column of multiplication instead of a times table along with their other columns.

Reading: Read for 30 minutes.

Let me know if you have questions!