
Homeschool Friday. Day 142. April 9.

We are day 142 this Friday. Follow Genesis Curriculum.

Bible: Read Genesis 49:1-15.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5 from the Bible Verse handout. Please continue with what we have been doing all year.

Language: Do Spelling and Grammar games.

Spanish instead of Hebrew: Try to use a verb correctly in Spanish (from handout).

Grades 2+ Write for 20 minutes. K-1 do language arts and write 1 complete sentence.

Social Studies. This will be a freebie as we are working on a timeline together at school.

Math: Do as assigned. Continue with columns as well as daily lesson or review.

Read for 30 minutes.

We no longer need the kids to bring their big Genesis Curriculum book to school as we are moving onto project reviews and will be reading from the Bible.

Thank you.

Also, a couple pics from this week. In the second pic, the students are working on their timeline, starting with creation! They were pretty excited about the project. God is good.