Daily Devotion


John 17:24-26 Father, I want those you gave me to be with me, right where I am, so they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me, having loved me long before there ever was a world. 

Jesus so badly wants us to be with Him, right where He is, for the pure and beautiful purpose of seeing just how Good our Creator and Heavenly Father truly is. He wants to open our eyes so that we may see. Jesus wants us to see from His perspective. I empathize with Jesus here. Every speck of understanding I gain of God draws me more fully into Him and I do want to share Him so badly with those I love and all who are weary… and I know my finite understanding is still lacking, yet even in its lacking, He is more incredible than I can articulate.

(Continued…) Righteous Father, the world has never known you, but I have known you, and these disciples know that you sent me on this mission. I have made your very being known to them- Who you are and what you do – and continue to make it known, so that your love for me might be in them exactly as I am in them. 

Jesus is willing to die to deliver this gift… He is showing the world what Love really is… the love God Has for Him and for us all. And through this love our eyes will open to see just Who God is. For 1 John 4:8 God is love.