
Homeschool Friday. April 16. Day 147.

Hey All! We are really starting to wrap up the year. Here is a guide for homeschool Friday:

Bible: Read Mark 2 (We will be reading the book of Mark over the next couple weeks, a chapter a day.)

Bible Verse: John 8:36 (A short one tomorrow!) Have your kids write it a couple times and see if they can write the whole thing, spelling everything correctly. I’ve been doing this with all the verses. Write the Spanish version as well (based on grade – they should know).

Writing: Please have them work on their new writing project for 30 minutes. They are either researching for a non-fiction paper or working on a fiction story.

Math: Continue with day 147, or as assigned. Complete columns as well.

Reading: Read for 30 minutes.

Also, make sure they have their lines for the play memorized by Monday – or very very close. Thanks!