What do we do now? Live Jesus.
Jesus heals the sick and lame, gives sight to the blind, the dead rise, and the lowliest of the earth learn about a loving Father who fights for them… (Matthew 11) then he feeds 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish.
After all this, Jesus walks across the water. Peter asks to join Him, full of faith in his first couple steps, but then he looks down at the waves and begins to sink. He calls for help and Jesus pulls him into the boat.
NOW! The disciples say, “This is it! You are God’s son for sure!” Matthew 14:33 (MSG)
It seems, as humans, we cannot have enough affirmation.
Shortly after, they are once again on shore and Jesus is back to healing and performing miracles. Whoever touched Him was healed. (Matthew 14:36 MSG)
They wind up in another situation where there is now over 4,000 hungry people and the disciples ask, “But where in this deserted place are you going to dig up enough food for a meal?”
“What do we do now?”
After all they have seen, they don’t even think to ask Jesus, but that doesn’t stop Jesus from teaching them about God’s love and feeding the 4,000.
Everyday we toil over something, we look right past the answer, the solution to everything.
Luke 10:42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it and it will not be taken from her.
She discovered Jesus.
I recently heard a George MacDonald sermon, and he opens it with this question, “Did the fact ever cross your mind, you are here in this world just to understand the Lord Jesus Christ, and for no other reason. Do you think you were sent here to struggle after this poor poverty stricken existence…. we are sent here that we might choose to live. And there is no life but in knowing Jesus Christ and the Father that sent Him.”
So, what do we do now?
We live Jesus.
And now a special performance: Praising God at home with friends – Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone.