Daily Devotion


“Time seemed to stand still while Jack sat on that stone bench, basking in the love of Yeshua. All the pressures and troubles that had felt so important throughout the course of his life suddenly seemed so small. The longer he sat there wrapped in perfect love, the more he knew that this was the way life should be. It was like a return to the garden of Eden his mother had told him about. Life lived through the eyes of Yeshua in which there was no darkness or fear. It didn’t even exist as he looked across the plain. 

He was seeing the kingdom of heaven.

But Jack also knew he could easily return to the old way of seeing through the lens of darkness. In that place, fear would return like a crushing wave. Forgetting Yeshua’s love was really the only problem that ever threatened the earth.” T. Dekker, Rise of the Light Bringer

Lord, help us remember! You are the perfect love that casts out all fear. You are ever-present, without you we couldn’t exist. Let us never forget that fear is not from You and YOU are bigger than fear. Fear is powerless in the light of your love! Lord, we have one problem – let us never forget who you are so that we may Live. Amen.